Cruooze Privacy Policy

Last updated: 10th October, 2023

Welcome to Cruooze. This policy outlines how we handle your personal data as a Cruooze user ("you" or "yours"). CRUOOZE NIG LTD is the entity behind Cruooze and controls the data processing ("we" or "us").By using the Crruooze mobile application (software) (the "Application"), you accept the terms and conditions set forth herein and enter into this Privacy policy Agreement. If you do not agree to the following terms and conditions, you must refrain from using the Application.

1. Collection and Use of Personal Information

What information we collect

We collect three categories of information about you: information you provide, information we collect automatically, and information we obtain from other sources. We do not collect sensitive information such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, or genetic data.

Information you provide

  • Passenger information: Includes first name, phone number, email, country, and city. We may collect a selfie image for liveness checks, national ID numbers, social media accounts, and emergency contact numbers where permitted or required by law, geolocation (optional), etc.) You may also provide your last name and profile picture if desired.
  • Driver information: Includes full name, profile picture, license data, vehicle information, proof of identity, state identification numbers, ID documents, proof of residency, home address, date of birth, gender, taxation identifier number, relevant insurance, right to work, driving record, payment or banking information, and other required documents. Background checks and criminal records may be collected where permitted or required by law.
  • User-generated content: This includes comments, ratings, and reviews that you upload on Cruooze.
  • Information in correspondence: This encompasses chat messages, emails, phone call recordings, and related metadata.
  • Information for promotions: We may collect additional information for promotional programs, such as your name, email, user ID, phone number, payment or banking information, home address, social media accounts, vehicle type, and image.
  • Information we collect automatically

  • Location information: We collect location data to enable rides, provide user support, ensure safety, detect fraud, and comply with legal requirements. The collection of location information is based on your Cruooze app settings and device permissions.
  • For Passengers, we collect precise location when the app is running in the foreground and background.
  • For Drivers, we collect precise location while the app is in use and may continue to do so for a limited time after exiting Driver mode.
  • Transaction information: We collect transaction-related data, including the amount charged, payment transaction information, date, time, route, and distance for the services provided via Cruooze.
  • Usage information: This data covers your use of the Cruooze Platform, such as access dates and times, viewed features or pages, system crashes, and other system activities. We may also collect recordings of your in-app activities with your express consent.
  • Communications information: We enable users to communicate through the Platform, and we may receive data about the time, date, and content of these communications.
  • Device information: Information about the device you use to access Cruooze, such as device name, brand, model, IP address, mobile carrier, network type, time zone settings, language settings, advertising identifiers, browser type, operating system version, screen parameters, battery state, installed applications, and mobile sensor data.
  • User and trip IDs: We assign a user ID when you create an Cruooze account and a trip ID for each trip.
  • User and trip IDs: Cookies and tracking technologies: We use cookies, pixels, tags, and similar tracking technologies for various purposes, as outlined in our Cookie Policy.
  • Information we obtain from other sources

  • Third-party services: Information about users may be received from service providers such as background check and identity verification providers, insurance partners, financial services vendors, and marketing service providers. We may also collect information from third-party communication applications or services if you choose to use them.
  • State authorities: Information about users may be obtained from law enforcement agencies and other government authorities as required or authorized by law.
  • Third-party services:Other users or third parties: Third parties may provide us with information about you, such as through referral programs or user support incidents.

  • 2. Data Processing and Sharing

  • Data Processing: The company processes user data by any means necessary and sufficient to provide the functionality of the Cruooze Program, including by automated and non-automated means, including cross-border transfers, and transfers to third parties (including for sending ride completion conditions to partners of Service and to organizations that provide technical, organization, and infrastructural support and authentication tools for the Application).
  • Data Retention: The company will only keep the user's personal information for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

  • 3. User Responsibilities

  • Prohibited Activities: Users are prohibited from publishing and transferring to other users and third parties information and materials that violate the rights and interests of others, contain insults, obscene language, defame, mislead, contain advertising, malicious codes, or pornographic material, or call for illegal or immoral acts.

  • 4. Miscellaneous Provision

  • Complaints and Disputes: Users who believe that the content of the information received from partners of Service or available in the Application violates the Privacy Policy or applicable law may register a complaint with the company so that necessary measures can be taken within legal and technical capabilities.
  • Cruooze is not intended for children under local law, and we will delete any personal information of a child upon discovery.

  • We may update this policy to reflect changes in laws or our operations. When we update this policy, we will notify you by updating the "Last Updated" date and providing any required notice. Contact us Please contact us via We will respond to your requests in accordance with applicable laws and proper verification of your account and identity. CRUOOZE NIG LTD, [No 15, The Kings plaza, Kado Ahamdu bello way FCT, Abuja] © CRUOOZE NIG LTD, 2023